Organic Kosher Meat Information
Jewish law is rather strict in regards to what a Jew can and cannot eat. For nearly 3,000 years, people have been eating food they raised and slaughtered themselves, so living in accordance with these...
View ArticleHow to Store Meat With Preservatives
Properly store meats with preservatives to retain color and texture while keeping the meat safe for consumption. Meat preservation and storage techniques, like dry aging and cold smoking, often leave...
View ArticleHow to Report Contaminated Food
State public health departments investigate about 500 food related outbreaks every year. Outbreaks include contamination from salmonella and E.Coli. Contamination may occur from improperly cooked food...
View ArticleFDA Regulations for Food Transporting Trucks
Trucks that transport food products are as responsible for keeping food safe as producers and retailers. Planning, procedures and training in temperature control, sanitation, loading, unloading, and...
View ArticleIndiana Food Safety Rules
The intent of the Indiana Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act is to promote public health awareness and well-being and to protect the citizens of the state. Its aim is to also be uniform wherever it can with...
View ArticleDivision of Hotel and Restaurant Management in Florida
The Division of Hotels and Restaurant Management in Florida is a department within the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulations. The purpose of the Division of Hotels and Restaurants...
View ArticleFDA Import Procedures
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for regulating the safety of all foods apart from meat and poultry, human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices and...
View ArticleFood Safety in High Schools
Across the country, high school students and faculty members enjoy meals prepared and served in lunch cafeterias. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that 27 million...
View ArticleAbout the Safety of Plastic Food Containers
Plastic food and beverage containers are part of nearly everyone's daily lives, and many consumers have heard about the dangers of certain plastics. While there is some research that suggests plastic,...
View ArticleSampling Techniques for Arsenic in Water
Arsenic is a naturally occurring, toxic metalloid. A metalloid is an element that has some properties of a metal and some properties of a nonmetal. Industries often use arsenic in a variety of products...
View ArticleWhy Does Fish Contain Mercury?
Fish are low in saturated fat and high in protein and omega-3 oils, which makes them good for your health. However, all fish contain some degree of mercury, and exposure to high concentrations of...
View ArticleBirds & Salmonella
Salmonella lives in the intestinal tracts of humans and animals, including birds. Many types of birds, ranging from boiler chickens to exotic pets to ducklings, have been associated with Salmonella...
View ArticleHow Is Food Related to Chemistry?
Atoms and combinations of atoms make up all substances, including food. Chemistry studies how atoms interact with each other and the changes that occur when that happens. When you heat food, freeze it,...
View ArticleSafety of Sigg Water Bottles
With all the concern about Bisphenol A---a chemical that is an endocrine disruptor---leaching into drinking water from plastic water bottles, consumers frequently turn to aluminum and stainless steel...
View ArticleInduction Cooking & Pacemakers
Because induction cook tops create an electromagnetic current when used, there is concern that using them--or being near them--may cause problems for individuals with pacemakers. There is research that...
View ArticleWhat Is the Bt Gene?
Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt, is a type of bacterium found in soil. Bt bacteria produce protein crystals known to be toxic to several varieties of insect larvae, including moths, beetles, mosquitoes,...
View ArticleCommercial Kitchen Food Safety
According to a January 2008 report from the Center for Science in the Public Interest, food safety violations such as poor employee hygiene, improper cooking and holding temperatures, and poor food...
View ArticleHow to Make a Homemade Water Filtration System that Will Filter Muddy Water
If you are out camping or have issues with your water supply being muddy, you can create a homemade water filtration system that will eliminate the particulates in the water. If you have the means to...
View ArticleObjectives of a Water Purifier
Purified water provides cleaner water for household needs. Cooking with and drinking purified water helps ensure a family's peace of mind by knowing there is no foreign matter in their water. Many...
View ArticleWhat Is Active Packaging?
Packaging to improve sensory or safety properties, or to extend shelf-life, which changes the condition of packaged food, constitutes “active” packing, according to Informa World, a professional...
View ArticleMelamine Poisoning Symptom
Melamine is a chemical used in adhesives, whiteboards, counter tops, plastics and dishware. It has also sometimes been found in contaminated food, such as powdered infant formula, frozen yogurt and pet...
View ArticleNew Jersey Health Regulations for Vending Carts
The state of New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services defines a retail food establishment as any operation that vends or otherwise provides food for human consumption. This definition...
View ArticlePersonal Hygiene & the Kitchen
Cross-contamination, in which germs from raw food are transferred to other food and kitchen surfaces, is a primary cause of food poisoning. People and animals also can bring germs into the kitchen....
View ArticleWhat Are the Side Effects of Melamine in Milk?
In 2008, factories in China were found to be adding melamine to pet food and milk products to mask protein deficiencies. Melamine can have a devastating effect on the kidneys, especially in smaller...
View ArticleMicrobiological Testing Standards for Food
Microbiology is the study of extremely small organisms, including bacteria and viruses. Commonly referred to as microbes, these microscopic creatures are found in almost every single environment on...
View ArticleFood Fraud & Food Contamination
When you go to the market, you typically make your selections based on the label. You expect the ingredient list to be comprehensive and accurate. But perhaps you are putting too much stock in the...
View ArticleBacteria Growth in Water Bottles
Plastic water bottles can harbor many different kinds of bacteria. Although reused bottles are at the highest risk, even bottles that are unopened can harbor potentially harmful bacteria. Knowledge,...
View ArticleMold & Liver Problems
Molds can produce serious illnesses, some of which target the liver. While molds play a helpful role in nature by breaking down dead biological matter, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)...
View ArticleHow to Use Disposable Gloves
The use of disposable gloves is growing in popularity in the food processing industry, according to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. Food services company Sysco mentions the need for...
View ArticleFood Hygiene Training Requirements
Food managers, caterers and other food handlers must receive food hygiene training. This instruction teaches how to safely handle, cook and store food, and how to have a clean food establishment. Germs...
View ArticleFDA Regulations of Genetically Engineered Foods
The US Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, is one of three governing bodies that regulate genetically engineered foods, also known as genetically modified (GM) foods. The current regulations are...
View ArticleLife Cycle of a Trichinella
Trichinella is a species of worm that infects certain kinds of carnivorous animals including humans. Trichinella often infects domestic pigs as well. An infestation of trichinella is known as...
View ArticleUSDA Inspection Requirements
Abraham Lincoln launched the United States Department of Agriculture in 1862 to spread education, ideas and technology to farming communities throughout the country. Lincoln wanted rural America to...
View ArticleThe Importance of Water Purification
Most modern cities have advanced water filtration and purification systems that provide clean, safe water to their residents; however, even if the water coming into your house or apartment is perfectly...
View ArticleWhat Are the Dangers of Tin Cans?
Many people are aware that tin cans can be sharp once opened, and they take prodigious care not to cut themselves. However, this is generally the only danger that comes to mind when people think of tin...
View ArticleEthylene vs. Propylene Glycol
Ethylene and propylene glycol are two forms of antifreeze additives. They are commonly found in car and truck coolant systems. Ethylene glycol has a high level of acute toxicity when taken orally....
View ArticleAspartame Poisoning Recovery
Aspartame is an artificial sweetener widely used as a sugar substitute and is sold under trade names such as NutraSweet, Equal, Canderel and AminoSweet. There is a lot of controversy surrounding the...
View ArticleRemoval of Potassium From Water
Potassium could be in your drinking water. This may seem like a harmless substance, but if you ingest different types of potassium compounds, it could be hazardous to your health. The health effects of...
View ArticleWhy Eat Organic Chicken?
When it comes to food and escalating food costs, the idea of going organic sounds nice but isn't quite feasible for everyone. While companies may paint a pretty picture through a great marketing...
View ArticleThe Disadvantages of Water Purifiers
Drinking water is extremely important to good health. But drinking water full of impurities may not have the same benefit as drinking purified water. There are several common methods for purifying...
View ArticleHow to Detect Lead in Crystal
You have reason to suspect lead in your crystal containers if the containers hold stored liquids such as wine, alcohol, vinegar-based salad dressings or fruit juices. The acid in these liquids can draw...
View ArticleRole of a Public Health Inspector
Public health inspectors have many roles in which they provide services to the public. Above all, health inspectors help protect the health and welfare of the public by reducing the amount of food and...
View ArticleThe Requirements of Food Safety Management Systems
All modern restaurants and food service facilities should have Food Safety Management protocols in place. Food-borne illnesses, such as botulism and salmonella poisoning, unfortunately do happen in the...
View ArticleIrradiation & Bacterial Growth
Irradiation of food to control bacteria is a relatively new technology that appeared in the food industry during the 1990s. With this process, insects, bacteria and fungi are eliminated so food-borne...
View ArticleFood Safety Hygiene Rules
As food-borne illnesses threaten the health of people who consume food that was processed unsafely, more consumers take note of food safety. Whether handled improperly during shipping or simply not...
View ArticleBacteria Found in Reused Water Bottles
Reusing water bottles saves money and waste, but is it safe? A University of Calgary study found large quantities of bacteria living inside the refilled water bottles of elementary students. Health...
View ArticleHow to Prepare Goat Milk to Drink
A lot of people enjoy raw goat's milk, and goat milk advocates believe that treating it destroys important enzymes and reduces the nutritional value of the milk. However, if you are uncomfortable about...
View ArticleSafety of Nonstick Pans
Nonstick cookware is common and convenient. Most nonstick cookware uses PTFE or fluoropolymer formulations, which are compounds applied to metal pans and pots. Bakeware usually uses silicon-based...
View ArticleDifference Between Hot & Cold Insulated Beverage Containers
When the winter weather comes, people travel to different places with thermoses full of hot chocolate, coffee or tea to keep them warm. In the summer, the same thermoses have the ability to keep iced...
View ArticleThe Types of Pathogenic Bacteria in Milk
Living organisms and organic substances such as milk play host to thousands of different types of bacteria. Only a relatively small handful, termed pathogenic bacteria, cause infectious diseases....
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